I am having a hard time deciding on what to do with our craigslist purchased vintage iron clawfoot tub. It was all black when we bought it. I felt black was too heavy of a color for our space and wanted to lighten it up a bit. So I stenciled a section with the moroccan stencil and extra paint from the powder room project. It looked pretty good until I tried wrapping it around the tub's curves- it went all crazy from that point. For a quick fix I continued with the extra paint and covered it up and painted the feet white. Meanwhile Joe keeps asking when I am going to finish painting the tub (his thoughts being Wonder Bread plain- decoded man speak = 'you are going to paint the tub white right?')
Personally I was loving the green/blue and white. Now I am waffling with leaving it as is, try another stencil, or doing an overlay of white crackle paint with the blue/green peeking through. I also plan on shabby chic-ing the white feet with a bit of light sanding. *maybe I'll white crackle paint over a stencil! :)*
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